Beggs Insurance Agency was established as a full service independent insurance agency in Crookston, MN by Dennis Beggs in 1989. Beggs Insurance Agency was started through an affiiation wth the Kappes-Leiran Agency in Ada. The business moved to the present location at 323 North Main in Crookston in 1993. Rodney Beiswenger joined the agency as a producer in December 2000 and Rod Beiswenger purchased the agency from Dennis Beggs in 2003. Marilyn Wentzel began her employment at that time. Nick Beiswenger join the agency as a producer in 2010 after graduation from UND. Beggs Insurance contuinues to operate in Crookston as a full service agency, specializing in competetive rates and exceptional service. Beggs Insurance started an affiliation with the Lindfors Agency in Fosston, MN in the Fall of 2021.
Rodney has been licensed since joining the agency in 2000. He is currently the owner of the agency and is available to help you with all your insurance needs.
Marilyn has worked part-time at the agency since 2001 and currently serves as Office Manager..
Nicholas has recently joined the agency after graduating from UND in Spring 2010. He is licensed in Property and Casualty and also is the Technology Consultant.